Song 9: A Song That Is Beyond What Divides Us

My Girl” by the Temptations

These are fractured times we live in. The nation is as polarized as ever, with open acrimony spilling out in discussions with friends and family online and in person. We are divided by politics, by philosophy and by generational lines, having grown up in different Americas.

Sometimes you want a song that will bring everyone together, each and every single person in the room, no matter what they look like or what mood they’re broadcasting on their face. And for that purpose, nothing beats Motown.

I repeat. Nothing. Beats. Motown.

It was the movement of a generation, crossing over through color lines and age groups. Few songs of that expansive catalog encapsulates the feel of Motown than “My Girl.” It’s one of the most poetic songs ever written, with such elegant simplicity and simple elegance that it should be sent into space, etched on a golden vinyl record playing for eternity as it hurtles through the cosmos on a deep space satellite.

You can hand this one off for the chorus too, but no one will blame you if you don’t.

A STAR studded song for the power of good

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