Song 62: What it means to be vulnerable

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy” by Sarah McLachlan

5songpjct: Did you read the week that featured my sister? Her theme focused on unconventional love songs, I feel like your theme is a great continuation of that theme. Yours seems to focus on being ready for love, not as much on I am so in love with this person. How does your next pick address one of the feelings of being ready for love?

Victoria: I did read the week that featured your sister! Loved her selections.

This song has perhaps the most meaningful opening lyrics. “All the fear has left me now, I’m not frightened anymore.” To me, this encapsulates what we all want to feel when it comes to love. Being in love or loving someone else means to be a vulnerable and open with them. This can create guarding and in time, distance. To be able to love freely and to not shy away from love and connection is something I want to do desperately, and I know many of the clients I work with want to feel that love for themselves more than anyone else.

5songpjct: I love what you have to say about vulnerability in your blurbs about the songs. (I ask people to write something about why they chose the song when they submit) I think it is so hard to learn, also from experience, to be vulnerable.

Victoria: It is so hard to learn, but to also so hard to identify that is what you are reacting to. There are all of these triggers and instant knee jerk reactions to slights or upsets or miscommunication. What is really going on is that you vulnerable or capable of being hurt by someone or losing someone and people of course are resistant to that or can’t articulate that that is what is going on with them. They might react in an a more immature and surface way, instead of thinking about what is bothering them.

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