Song 60: I’m going to love you like I’ve never been hurt before

Indestructible” (Acoustic Version) by Robyn

Victoria: I knew this song would be on my list the moment I heard about this project.

5songpjct:  Did this song dictate your theme choice?

Victoria: In a way, yes. When a song speaks to me, the way the lyrics in this one speak, I pay attention. I’m reminded why I love music, art, and film. Whenever I see something that tugs at my heartstrings, I know it is special.

5songpjct: What was it about this song spoke so well to the theme?

Victoria: The acoustic version turns what was a hard-driving club anthem into a beautiful soulful ballad. The song is about faith and bravery and loving someone as though it were impossible to be hurt. To love is to open oneself up to hurt. The relationship might end, the person might die, or leave you. If that has already happened, and who hasn’t experienced that, well then it can be scary, even paralyzing to dare to try again. That is the place I want to get to in my own life, and the place I want every student or client of mine to get to–a place where they can boldly and bravely fight for what they want and who they love.

5songpjct: Why do you think it is so hard to get to that place? I know that is probably one of those million dollar questions right?

Victoria: Listen, if I had that answer, I’d be a billionaire. I think the simple basic reason is that it is hard to get to that place of vulnerability. We are taught from a very early age to protect ourselves or look for someone else who will protect us. We are very risk averse when it comes to our emotions. We don’t want to appear weak or be controlled. There is an element of surrender that comes with risk taking or falling in love or taking a leap of faith in your passion pursuits. Most people don’t come to it until they’ve felt enough pain or been lucky enough to get a taste of it in a way that wasn’t threatening to them.

5songpjct: Have you seen Robyn in concert?

Victoria: Oh yes. My little sister is actually a huge Robyn fan. So much of what my sister likes in music, she got from me, unbeknownst to me because she is 10 years younger. I have been rediscovering music that I turned her on to, but wasn’t listening to anymore. One of those was Robyn. She was playing a few years ago at the Hollywood Bowl and I flew my sister in, she was living in Texas at the time. I had all of Robyn’s old stuff and my sister was listening to all of her new stuff. That weekend of the concert we were listening of all of her old stuff, R&B Robyn, “Show Me Love” and “Konichiwa Bitches.”

5songpjct: I like the way her sound evolved. Was that the Royksopp and Robyn show?

Victoria: Yeah.

5songpjct: I was at that show. It was so much fun.

Victoria: That is so funny. I heard she has something new coming out. I cannot wait to listen.

NEXT UP… the power of words

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