Song 59: First activist calling

Suggestion”  by Fugazi

When I was 15, I fell in love for the first time. I met my boyfriend in a summer writing program, and we finally kissed right before he got sent off to a disciplinarian boarding school along with all of my best male friends. We wrote letters to each other every day, but the most compelling missives were the mixed tapes he would send me. I listened to them all on my brand new Walkman (with Dolby sound, thankyouverymuch), and this Fugazi band was like nothing I had ever heard before. They were LOUD, but melodious. And they were ANGRY, but eloquent. But this song–this song amazed me. Because not only were they punks and activists, who wanted everyone to go out and fight to change the wrongs of the world, but they understood the female perspective. They knew what I felt like in a world full of ogling men. And they were PISSED OFF about it just like I was! It’s one thing to be an all-male punk band sympathizing with discriminated women, but to express the anger that girls like me felt was really outstanding. This was the first time a song set me on fire and galvanized me to start taking action in my community. The sad part is that I can still get riled up by their songs today, because those problems haven’t changed. But I am still thankful for an all-male punk band writing and then consistently performing one of the best feminist songs I have ever heard.

5songpjct: What I loved about Fugazi is that they refused to charge or have venues charge a lot for their tickets. I think it was a mandatory $10 or less. I loved that because it made seeing them so accessible for us young punk kids. Did you ever see them live? But also, as a side note concerts are really expensive.

Holly: Side note agreed! That was something really great about Fugazi – they insisted on accessibility for all. And what continues to be great about them is that their record company, Dischord Records, has done a fantastic job at preserving their live performances, and they are all available for 5 bucks each! Just like going to a show! I got my sister a recording of her first Fugazi concert last year for Christmas. She was thrilled. 

5songpjct: Did you see Fugazi live?

Holly: Yes. Trying to think how many times, I feel like it was just once, but maybe more than that. I have a hilarious story about that… I was very excited to see the band and I had a crush on the drummer. They were really cool, not only were they concerned about the safety of the crowd, everyone who has seen them will remember them stopping mid-song and making announcements about stopping crowd surfing and mosh pits, etc. They would also hang out after the show with the fans in the parking lot, with all the kids, it was always an all ages show. They didn’t mind hanging out with their fans and talking to people and getting to know people. They were really awesome and I remember talking to the drummer, Brendan Canty, I was very excited to meet him. I felt like we were starting to get pretty friendly and I happened to mention I was sixteen years old, and I remember his face just changed and he stuck his hand out to shake mine and said “It was really great to meet you. Thank you so much for coming to see us” and then he bailed. I remember being so upset at the time, like I really had a chance with Brendan Canty, but you know reflecting upon it as an adult I am like, What a great guy.

5songpjct: He definitely thought you were older than you were.

Holly: And that it was not appropriate and walked away. I wish I could thank him and tell him what a great guy he was. Thanks for being a decent human.

5songpjct: I was a big Fugazi fan, but at that time I wasn’t really absorbing lyrics as much as I probably should have. I had never really listened to the lyrics of this song until you submitted it as one of your five songs. And then I was thinking Oh Crap! like how ahead of its time this song is especially with the Me Too movement and that women aren’t just put on this earth for male satisfaction.

Holly: Right, and to be seen and not be heard. To not be in control of our appearance and our perception in society. They really, and it is weird to say because it is a group of guys, opened my eyes to feminism and understanding what it was to be a woman in this world and at the time I was becoming a woman. Understanding empowerment and that I could be victimized. Pretty impressive for a group of dudes.

5songpjct: Also, do you think it is a message to their male fans?

Holly: Totally, don’t be dicks.

5songpjct: Don’t be dicks. (Laughing)

Holly: That seemed to be their message.

5songpjct: Yeah, in general, about the environment, don’t be dicks about equality…

Holly: Fascism…

5songpjct: Don’t be dicks…about accessibility to their concerts. Instead of it being a cash grab. Don’t be dicks.

Holly: And in general, guys, when it comes to women, don’t be dicks.

5songpjct: You will just have a better life in general, if you aren’t a dick.

Holly: Thank you Fugazi

THANK YOU Holly for spending the week with me. It was so much fun talking to you about music.

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