Song 55: First dance party

Why Don’t We Do it in the Road?” – The Beatles (The White Album)

I was 4, my sister was 8, and my mom was 30. It was raining or snowing outside, so my sister and I couldn’t go outside to play in the woods we lived in, as we normally would do on a Saturday afternoon. As a means of distraction, my mom put on The White Album and I remember my first dance party. We just let it all out and went berserk in our living room. I remember that it was so fun, I knew I wanted to keep doing it for the rest of my life. The whole album is great for this, but something hilarious happened during this particular song: I remember stopping dancing at some point and asking my mom, “Do what in the road?” She looked like a deer in headlights for a second and then said, “Dance!” I thought about it and said, “Yeah!” And we danced.

OUR 56th song would be perfect for the kids

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