Song 38: A band that is so good at covers already

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Your Love” – The Outfield

5songpjct: Who should cover your pick by the Outfield?

Mickey: I would love to hear this performed by New Pornographers, ideally with Neko Case on lead vocals. The multi-singer interplay on the end of “Testament to Youth In Verse” is one of my favorite moments in their catalog, and I want them to do that all the time on every song.

5songpjct: Is there a song by the New Pornographers that inspired you to choose them to tackle this 80s hit?

Mickey: I have always loved the New Pornographers. It feels like every couple of albums they do a cover song and it isn’t usually by a prominent band. I think that they are, in songwriting ability and musical skills, they modern updating of Fleetwood Mac and I keep on waiting for them to do a full on cover of the Rumors album and I would love that. They do sneak in covers from other Canadian Indie bands. Whether Frog Eyes or Destroyer and they do a great job of reinterpreting songs so they are not carbon copies. They filter them through the New Pornographers lens. The song “Testament to Youth in Verse,” they do this great coda where it is sung by everyone in the group, almost like a church choir, that all interweaves. It it just awesome. The Outfield has a similar thing at the end of “Your Love” and it would be really fun  to hear Neko Case, Dan Behar and the rest chiming in on that. They have a lot more unique voices that can add to that part. They are one of my all time favorite bands and every album that comes out I think that they don’t really get the praise that they are due.

OUR LAST song takes us back to 1986.

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