Song 37: The National – But imagine if they were all smiling and happily rocking out

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Everybody Wants to Rule the World” – Tears for Fears

5songpjct: Have you heard the Clare and the Reasons cover of “Everybody Wants to Rule the World?”

Mickey: I have not, but heard Ted Leo and the Pharmacists do it. AV Club, the Onion’s AV Club, does this really great annual tradition in the summer called Undercover, where they put a bunch of random songs in a hat and when bands come through to do promotional tours to Chicago they get to draw a song out of a hat to perform while at the AV Club studios. Over the course of the Summer the choices that you have for songs diminish and Ted Leo and the Pharmacists ended up drawing this song and it was awesome.

5songpjct: We have talk about a couple of bands who have done this song, but who do you think should cover this song?

Mickey: I’d love to hear The National just rip into the instrumental complexity of this song. All four of the musicians in their band are phenoms, but most of their catalog errs on the side of “dour, depressing mope rock.” This song would be a welcome dose of levity both in composition and execution.

5songpjct: I can really hear this one in my head. I kind of hope this happens.

THE 50TH post on this blog is tomorrow.


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