Song 33: When it is hard to find a band that you like that the other person hates

Names: Elaina and Celia

Status: Long-term relationship

Together: 3 years this month (congrats!)

Song: “Interlude (That’s Love)” by Chance the Rapper

E+C: We have gone to a lot of shows together, more so when we were first together.

5songpjct: Do you have the same taste in music?

E+C: I would say 60% the same and 40% different. We definitely have things that we both like and then both have bands that we listen to that the other person won’t.

5songpjct: Like who?

Celia: Elaina listens to a lot of rap. I guess I listen to it sometimes, but Elaina listens to it ALL the time.

Elaina: There is one Chicago based artist, Chance the Rapper, who I really like that I introduced to Celia. She was a little ambivalent at first…

Celia: Now I love him.

Elaina (continued): and then he came out with another album while we were together. Then we went to see him, it was part of a bigger hip-hop show. He was the headliner, but there were a lot of other rap/hip-hop artists there. She went somewhat willingly. We saw him again after that. He became the biggest artist that I introduced Celia to that she really liked. I mean the artist that I introduced her to that is out of her comfort zone that she really liked.

Celia: I have read some articles that people can’t really get into Chance the Rapper because of the gospel music and the religious aspect. We aren’t really religious, but I haven’t really had that problem. I think that it is new and different and we may not agree with the whole religious thing, but it is still a different sound and it is good.

Elaina: One band that Celia introduced me to that I really like is Wavves. We have seen them four times now. Their concerts are really fun. There is a lot of moshing.

Celia: Were they on tour with Cherry Glazer?

Elaina: No, but that would be a great show. I think Celia is looking it up now to see if I am right.

Celia: It was Best Coast, Wavves, and Cherry Glazer.

Elaina: I guess that was the tour made for us.

5songpjct: What was your first concert together?

Elaina: Sylvan Esso. We went with another friend the first time we saw them. Then another time, I think it was at Lollapalooza. We are seeing them again. I think you listened them a little bit before (To Celia.) I think that is the best example of an artist that we share, or both like.

I think we try to, for the most part, go to concerts together and we are pretty much on the same page most of the time, except for Celia who likes Paramore.

Celia: I have liked them since I was younger and I think I have seen them 10 times. I took Elaina to see them and I think she had more fun than she wanted to admit.

Elaina: It was part of Riot Fest last year. Which was why we went. I think we were able to find a couple bands in common. I think my biggest sacrifice was being early to wait for Paramore.

Celia: Now that I think about it, I don’t think there are bands that I like that Elaina hates or Elaina likes that I hate.

NEXT up we head back to Minnesota for our last song and are introduced to the contributor for week eight. Can you believe it has been almost eight weeks? I can’t.

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