Song 32: That one time we did a choreographed number

Names: Kam + Kristen (that’s me!)

Status: Married

Together: Five years married one

Song: “A Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Kristen:  Before we begin, I have a question. Does it bother you that I sing along to every song I hear on a tv show or on the radio?

Kam: No.(nodding) I think it bothers you more because the ones you don’t like end up getting stuck in your head.

Kristen: Do you think we have the same taste in music?

Kam: Oh, no.

Kristen: I feel like it is more that music really isn’t your thing. I think that as far as storytelling goes you would rather taste people’s stories instead of hear them.

Kam: Or watch it, I don’t listen to the lyrics. I can sing along to songs once I have heard them a few times, but I don’t really think of them as messages or stories. It is just music to me.

Kristen: Are there any bands I introduced you to that you now like?

Kam: Phantogram.

Kristen: Funny, I remember that concert. I wanted to see Phantogram and you wanted to see M83. They (M83) were really good and had a more genre bending sound than I realized. I remember kind of poking fun at that one synth sound in that really popular song of theirs. Can’t remember the name of the song. (“Midnight City”) The woman who sang with them was incredible.

I do want to thank you for teaching me to how to swing dance. I’ve always wanted to do that.

Kam: I think that anyone who grew up and saw that iconic Gap commercial has wanted to try swing dancing.

Kristen: I think it has more to do with the type of music and movies I grew up with. My family played a lot of jazz and big band. Old Hollywood movies were always playing in the background and there where a lot of epic dance numbers. Also the movie Swingers.

I chose “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” for the song today, not just because it was our first dance song, but because I never really danced before I met you and being rather shy, I never imagined that I would ever perform a choreographed dance number in front of eighty some people in my life. Thank you for making life a little more fun.

A special shout out to Rusty Frank who choreographed our first dance. If you want to learn swing, she is amazing.

NEXT UP we head to Chicago both in location and in music.

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