Song 24: Songs For New Beginnings

From The Sun” by Unknown Mortal Orchestra

Written by Amanda

This song conjures up feelings of warmth and peace, which might sound crazy, considering the lyrics. I first heard this song in 2015, when I moved to Albany, Oregon. It was my first time being away from home, away from California. I believe I first heard this song on a random Spotify playlist, and I was instantly addicted to the drums, and those psychedelic layered vocals that matched the dreamy quality of summer. I strongly associate this track with new beginnings. So naturally when I moved to Portland, it was one of my first vinyl purchases. I remember sitting in my apartment, in the heat of summer, with this record on loud. My windows would be wide open and I’d watch the people walk by on the street, smokey swirls of incense in the air, feeling a deep appreciation for my city and situation. I felt happy to have a place of my own, even just a small basement level studio. It was my space. For the first time I felt like I found my place, that this was home.

OUR Last song with Amanda is tomorrow.


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