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  • Song 62: What it means to be vulnerable

    “Fumbling Towards Ecstasy” by Sarah McLachlan 5songpjct: Did you read the week that featured my sister? Her theme focused on unconventional love songs, I feel like your theme is a great continuation of that theme. Yours seems to focus on being ready for love, not as much on I am so in love with this…


  • Song 61: Show and tell

    “Tell Me” by Groove Theory I chose this song because it has an incredible, enduring, immediately recognizable beat. It puts the listener into the physical feeling that the lyrics create. You’re in the club, you’re in the groove, and you just want to know that the person you’re feeling and vibing with feels the same…


  • Song 60: I’m going to love you like I’ve never been hurt before

    “Indestructible” (Acoustic Version) by Robyn Victoria: I knew this song would be on my list the moment I heard about this project. 5songpjct:  Did this song dictate your theme choice? Victoria: In a way, yes. When a song speaks to me, the way the lyrics in this one speak, I pay attention. I’m reminded why…


  • Assignment 12: The enduring spirit of love

    Name: Victoria Russell Location: Oakland, CA Relationship to music: Listener Industry: Yoga teacher 1.5 years at Leela Yoga in Alameda, life coach 2 years. 5songpjct: Sorry I Facebook stalked you a little bit before this interview. I see that in your profile that you are a yoga teacher and life coach. What do you provide…


  • Song 59: First activist calling

    “Suggestion”  by Fugazi When I was 15, I fell in love for the first time. I met my boyfriend in a summer writing program, and we finally kissed right before he got sent off to a disciplinarian boarding school along with all of my best male friends. We wrote letters to each other every day,…


  • Song 58 : First understanding of performance art/art rock

    [Still from music video for the song “This is the Picture (Excellent Birds)”] “This is the Picture (Excellent Birds)” – Laurie Anderson and Peter Gabriel (So [second album release and CD]) Luckily, just after Philip Glass showed me that the floor could come out from under me, a new wave radio station arose in my…


  • Song 57: The first time music overwhelmed me with emotion

    “Koyaanisqatsi” – Philip Glass (Koyaanisqatsi motion picture soundtrack) I wasn’t even 10 years old yet when I saw this film in the theater with my family. I don’t think any of us knew what was coming. If you never saw it, Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out Of Balance was a scriptless film scored by Philip Glass. The…


  • Song 56: First comedy/satire in music

    “Hello Mabel” – The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band Written by Holly Where do I begin with the Bonzos? If you had hippie/artist/subversive parents like mine, you would know this is a great band for kids. But they also gave us picture books by Eugene Ionesco, so I don’t know if all parents would agree. It…


  • Song 55: First dance party

    “Why Don’t We Do it in the Road?” – The Beatles (The White Album) I was 4, my sister was 8, and my mom was 30. It was raining or snowing outside, so my sister and I couldn’t go outside to play in the woods we lived in, as we normally would do on a…


  • Assignment 12: The Game Changers

    [Photo by dsrphoto.com] Name: Holly Rose Location: Pittsburgh-born go-go dancer librarianing in Los Angeles Relationship to music: Listener and creator Industry: Rock and Roll Librarian/Archivist Although the last post may make it seem like Teresa, my previous contributor, is a very shy and private person, she is really the reason I have met some amazing people…