Assignment 20: My kind of town

Name: Elaina Dixon

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Relationship to Music: listener and concert goer

Industry: occupational therapist in neuro-rehab

You may remember Elaina from the the multi-contributor Valentines week where she and her significant other talked about whether or not they had the same taste in music. This week I talk to her about music local to her hometown of Chicago.

5songpjct: What was harder, picking one song for the valentine’s week or five songs?

Elaina: I think the five songs! I feel like most of my music taste doesn’t have a theme (or at least one I haven’t previously reflected on) so it was harder for me to organize a list. Picking a song for Valentine’s week was much easier, since I think so much of my music taste is connected to times or memories with other people.

5songpjct: What is the theme of this week’s songs?

Elaina: I chose a Chicago-based theme, picking songs from local artists/bands both big and small since so much great music has come from Chicago, and continues to come out of Chicago

5songpjct: What do you like about living in Chicago?

Elaina: Ooh. What don’t I like?? I haven’t done much exploration of other large cities (sorry LA and NYC!) but I love that Chicago is a city of neighborhoods, and although there is a lot of segregation and disparity in the city, there is also a lot of diversity. As with the theme of this list, Chicago is home to many great musicians and you could go out and see a different kind of show each night of the week if you wanted. We also rarely get skipped for major bands/tours, which is nice. And we have a beach!

Assignment for July 8, 2018:

It is Sunday, you know what that means. Today you get a preview of the songs that are coming up this week. These songs are on the Spotify playlist for this blog and playable on YouTube by clicking the song title.

[1] Liz Phair. “6’1”. Exile in Guyville, Matador, 1993

[2] Chance the Rapper. “Pusha Man.” Acidrap, a self-released album, 2013.

[3] Jennifer Hall. “Time of Death.” Jennifer Hall EP, 2015

[4] Kanye West. “Homecoming.” Graduation, Rock a Fella, 2007

[5] bunny. “Let Me Be Yer Dog.” Sucker, soon to be released

COME BACK TOMORROW….for music local to Chicago

Photo provided by Five Song Project




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