Assignment 15: But first…

Name: Phong Tran

Place: Los Angeles, CA (sort of)

Your relationship to music: Listener

Industry: UX Design

I caught Phong before he left Los Angeles and embarked on a world tour before picking a new city to live and work in. I have been following his adventures via instagram with these flipbook stories that are beautiful and contemplative.

5songpjct: You were the first person to turn in your submission. Was choosing a theme easy for you?

Phong: Hmm, I did spend some time thinking about it. But at some point, I was talking to a friend about having crushes in junior high. I was reminded that I used to make CD mixes for girls I liked. (Although I always forgot to ask them out.) That led me to thinking about Napster, CDs, and when I first started using them.

5songpjct:Just to give readers a sneak peek, if your had to pick a theme or a few words to describe your picks what would it be?

Phong: It was about “firsts” for me. The first time for anything is always so distinct and vivid for me. Music videos seems weird and abstract if you try to explain it, but seeing it for the first time blew me away. Turns out A-Ha set a really high standard, but nevertheless. But yeah, first time you feel the bass at a concert, the first time you discover a treasure trove in Napster–it’s a breath-taking moment.

Assignment for Sunday, April 28, 2018

Continuing on with our format, your assignment today is to listen to these five songs. Throughout the week we will let you know why they were chosen. These are songs 70-74 on the Five Song Project playlist on Spotify or watch it on YouTube but clicking the song title.

[1] A-Ha. “Take on Me.” Hunting High and Low, Warner Brothers, 1985

[2] Everclear. “I Will Buy You a New Life.” So Much for the Afterglow, Capitol, 1997

[3] Stone Temple Pilots. “Interstate Love Song.” Purple, Atlantic,1994

[4] The Bangles. “Eternal Flame.” The Essential Bangles, Columbia, 2004

[5] Handsome Boy Modeling School. “First…and Then.” Featuring Dres. White People, Elektra, 2004.

MONDAY on the blog an ear worm and karaoke favorite

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